Friday, 24 October 2014

Something wicked this way comes!

It's nearly halloween people!!
Being a makeup junkie I absolutely adore halloween as it swings the door wide open for bursts of creativity. Here's some of the fun I've been having in preparation over the last couple of weeks.

I wish I could take credit for this design but I followed a youtube tutorial from Mykie (she's amazing!). It's a much simpler dramatic style that's prefect for halloween if you don't want to go all out on a costume.

I find it quite amusing that I packed in a load of extra white to my foundation to pale myself up for this and I don't actually look any different to normal! Please tell me I have some more pale friends out there?
Mykie talks through all the products required, I didn't have all of them so improvised with similar Sugarpill and Illamasqua shades that I did own. For the lips I used a combination of Illamasqua ESP (one of my all time faves, definitely check that one out) and Mac Cyber.

Next up, my fabulous halloween themed claws.
How cute is my little dracula man! These were created by the oh so lovely Hannah at Hannah's nails. If you live in the Leeds/Pudsey area I'd definitely check her out, she always offers a cup of tea and never gets annoyed when I don't have a clue what I want doing to my nails that week, patience of a saint that one.

See that cracked nail on my index finger? That leads me to these next pictures. . .

This is my plan for when I venture out on Halloween, a broken dolly. I can't tell you how much fun this was to do! For whatever reason there is nothing more satisfying than completely painting over your entire face, I even coated my eyebrows in pritt stick, that was an odd experience (peeling it off after however took me right back to primary school, come on I know I'm not the only one who covered their hand in PVA just to peel it all off once it dried). On the night I think I may alter the eye make up a little, I can't put my finger on what but something about it just doesn't do it for me. Maybe a pop of colour in there? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Weapons of choice for this look were Illamasqua precision ink in scribe and abyss along with Mac's cherry lip liner,

Speaking of painting all over your face ...
Half skulls are everywhere and this is my attempt. I have to say I was incredibly proud of myself as this was my first go and I didn't really plan it. Again, my skin is almost the same colour as the WHITE skull portion. Round of applause for us pale ladies. 
Removing this one is not an easy feat. I used gel liner for the black detail and my eyebrows were grey  for the next 48 hours. A thorough shower scrub is certainly required here, but I think a small price to pay for such a cool look. 
I have a few more creative looks over on my Instagram page so I'd love for you to have a look. Bambi is one of my personal highlights.
Let me know your thoughts in the comments or if there's anything you want me to have a go at in the future.



1 comment

  1. Thank goodness my eyebrows are already dark! Cannot WAIT to be a skeleton! x


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