Tuesday, 13 August 2013

A little slow on the uptake . . .

 I've never been one to be clued up on the latest trends, so it has taken me up until the 'ripe old age' of 22 (and a year out of Uni) to finally enter the blogging world. 

 It's also taken this long to realise my passion for all things creative, specifically cosmetics and beauty. 

 All in all I decided it was about time I found myself a little corner of the internet where I could natter on about the goings on in my life and my love of all things beauty. 

Whilst I think of some interesting things to tell you all, I would advise you take a wonder over to my dear friend Caitlin's blog. She always has marvellous things to say about her new life in London and is the main reason I'm finally trying to realise my dreams. 



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